We're Back!
Ahoy, matey…
Don’t be such a landlubber! Come and welcome the pirates of the Hollow back as they make land fall this October 2017. It has been two years since the residents of Spooky Hollow have visited the corner of 12th and Maple Street in Baldwin, Wisconsin.
It’s all hands ahoy as we return from Davy Jones’ locker to spread our booty this Halloween. Get your little ones dressed up and come and witness one of Western Wisconsin’s award winning Halloween Haunted displays!
Don’t be a scallywag! Raise up your Jolly Roger and come see The Black Skull as it comes to shore. There be no walking the plank if ye shows up!
It’s in our blood!
Jack and Gracie contemplated over the two years they took off. Sure they thought retirement from Halloween was inevitable. However, deep within their souls – they still longed to celebrate the holiday. Within those two years, they kept on creating more props.
“I missed it. I missed seeing all the people; the trick-or-treaters and other visitors. Simply stated I missed it all!” shares Gracie.
One Halloween night Jack and Gracie were walking around town taking in Halloween without Spooky Hollow. Gracie turned to Jack and said “What if…” That was all it took. Jack and Gracie began planning right there while standing in the street of what they could do with Spooky Hollow.
“It was time to return to the original Spooky Hollow.” tells Gracie. “When it was just Jack and I and the simplicity of our creations.”
“We knew if we were to come back, we had to come back with everyone’s favorite – The Black Skull!” adds Jack.
During the summer of 2017, Jack and Gracie began going through all of Spooky Hollow’s props. They knew they were never going to host the haunted house portion therefore they sold it.
“We spent a week in July just going through it all.” shares Gracie. “So many memories made with so many different props. We even found props we never knew we had and props we never used!”
“We sold half of the stuff in an online auction. It was difficult choosing which props to keep and which ones to sell…” adds Jack. “You can’t even see where we made a dent!”
The return of Spooky Hollow Experience was welcomed with opened arms. However, fans questioned why the haunted house was not available? It was difficult for Jack and Gracie to have the haunted house. It took nearly ten hours to set the building up; and that did not include decorating the inside. Trying to get a crew together for just one night was even more challenging. In the end, the haunted house proved to be more of a hassle than the joy that came from hosting it.
Nonetheless, the artisans added several new props. These props included a dock, several water scenes, skeleton fish and more pumpkins.
Not only was Spooky Hollow back, but so was the annual Light-up ceremony. During the ceremony Spooky Hollow was graced with a visitor from Sweden!
Jack and Gracie both dressed up as Pirate Captains as they welcomed trick-or-treaters on Halloween night.
Ghosts of The Past
Jack, Gracie and Boo...
The artisans & owners of Spooky Hollow Experience pose in the pumpkin patch.
Spooky Hollow Experience's official mascot Boo, watches over the pumpkin stand.
2017 Sponsored By:
Strictly Country Magazine
Ave's Studio
Scaring the neighbors since 1996!
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